Friday, February 24, 2017

Another Day Older ...

My son said, “Happy Birthday Dad” to me this morning before he left for school.  “How do you feel?” he asked.  I responded as I often do with the first thing that comes to mind, “another day older and deeper in debt.”  A line taken from Tennessee Ford’s song Sixteen Tons, something my son would have never heard or even been aware.

When you have kids, their growth is a constant reminder to you that time is passing.  But, once they start getting grown, birthdays become that reminder.  Time, as we understand it, is passing one day at a time, one month at a time, and one year at a time.  That is, it passes if we’re lucky.  Or, blessed, since luck is kind of a superstitious thing. 

I can easily reflect on those around me that aren’t enjoying the passing of days right now.  One has bone cancer and has spent 25+ days in the hospital since December.  Another had their dog killed by a neighbor’s dog and the PTSD dog owner neighbor threatened to kill him and his wife; his daughters spent the night in a friend’s condo because they were too scared to stay there.  Another has had prostate cancer come back after having radioactive treatment seven or so years ago and is having to take drugs that essentially castrate him.  Another lost her son just after his 15th birthday. 

And time continues to pass for everyone.  Yet, Jesus said “The time has come, the kingdom of God has come near.  Repent and believe the good news!” (Mk 1:15)  That time never passes, but always exists.  It is always the right time to believe in the Christ.  That time is always now.

I personally believe that time is a physical thing for us living in the physical world.  I often use the example of the old slide projectors as an illustration.  For us, we can only see one slide at a time.  The button is pressed and the projector lifts up, rotates a little, then shows the next slide.  However, God sees all the slides at once, the ones before and the ones after.  None are hidden.  Remarkably, Einstein discussed this in theory regarding time travel and described how someone could see time before and after the present based on their position in the universe.  While, I’m not sure if he was trying to prove God’s existent or not, my consideration is that God’s unique position allows Him to see it all, not one day at a time.

God standing at the center of all time declares to man that “now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2)!  Consider that you could stand and see all time for all men.  What would you tell men if you could tell them one thing that would make their life right?  God says that message is believe in Him and be saved from yourself, your natural sinful self.  This is the message of every day that exists for all men.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. – Jeremiah 29:11

The truth is, I gave my son the wrong response.  I have no debt, Jesus paid for it.  Today is another blessed day of salvation as Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.  My sins are forgiven continually forever.  Praise God for the beauty of time, where every day can be a day of praise to Him for His gift.

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