Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Exploring Moral Relativism

Moral Relativity is a philosophical position, or more accurately, non-position that is destroying the American society and Christians must be aware, prepared, and able to refute it when confronting it, which will happen every day once you are aware of it.

Google defines moral relativism as “the position that moral propositions do not reflect objective and/or universal moral truths, but instead make claims relative to social, cultural, historical, or personal circumstances”.  The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM) defines moral relativism as “a philosophy that asserts there is no global, absolute moral law that applies to all people, for all time, and in all places.” 

To sum up these definitions describing relative moral philosophy, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote, “You have your way, I have my way.  As for the right way, it does not exist.”  This is an excellent definition of the dominating theology that is worshiped in the American culture today and unfortunately in many Christians today.

How does a country founded on religious liberty who’s constitution is based on Biblical morals and ethics find itself dominated by a non-Biblical moral and ethical conscious?
  1. Theory of Evolution.  People are just the result of odd reproductions of cells dividing in the right temperature and environmental setting.  There is no intended result.  Paul Kurtz wrote in the book The Humanist Alternative, “If a man is a product of evolution, one species among others, in a universe without purpose, then man’s option is to live for himself.” 
  2. Political Correctness (PC).  Our culture has become dominated with a hypocritical concept that some things cannot be said or done solely on the basis that they might offend another person.  All other basis do not merit criteria.  In other words, saying something that is true, but offends someone cannot be said.  Being PC is more important than being truthful. 
  3.  Acceptance of Abortion.  The cultural acceptance of describing and defending life only after it has left the womb has made murder legal.  This acceptance has allowed all other moral or ethical “truths” to be questioned and regarded as optional or unnecessary.  If we can justify defending a one-day old baby, but not a 9 month old unborn, then we can justify all other sins much more easily.
So, how then are today's moral “currents” defined?  …  Exactly. …  How indeed?  They aren’t.  They are accepted or rejected based on the popularism of each topic with the mob.  The person who leads the mob defines the morals.  They will change with the shifting of the wind to whatever definition leads the mob to the most comfort in the near term. 

This is the description of our culture today and this is the recipe for a quick complete and total destruction.  As soon as one single strong person can lasso the mob into a direction, they will be able to control everything.  In less than a decade, Hitler came to power, led the people into a world war and the purposeful effort to exterminate Jews, and led Germany to defeat – 10 years. 

If Christians want to be relevant, they must be aware every time they encounter moral relativity and be prepared to live in and speak with a Biblical perspective.

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