Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Scattered & Underground Church - Following the Spirit - Acts 8

4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. 6 When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. 7 For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. 8 So there was great joy in that city. -Acts 8:4-8

From someone in the church at that time, this must have seemed like a disaster.  The church is being scattered through persecution.  I can imagine the burdened prayers going up to God praying for God to save their church.  Was God answering that prayer?  Yes.  But, unless the church was filled with the Spirit, they would not have known God was answering that prayer and just accepted it.  They would have been in despair believing the church was being crushed and living in fear. 

When things happen at our church or in our lives today, do we react confidently in the Spirit or in fear?  We had this homeless debate among the whole church some time ago in our community.  Were people working in the Spirit or in fear?  This is a difficult thing for the members of the church because people don’t have signs over them that let you know if they are walking in the Spirit or in fear.  I believe half the church was in fear and the other half in the Spirit.  The result was confusion and a bunch of unhappy people.  The church has to be of one accord, all in the Spirit.  When it is, it becomes dynamic in all areas.

I believe that the church is afraid to pray for the Holy Spirit.  We are afraid that the Spirit will come in and change everything.  We won’t have control of our church anymore.  It won’t be ours.  The church isn’t supposed to be ours!  It is the body of Christ!  We are members of His body.  He is the head; He determines the direction; we follow Him as the body.  Jesus used persecution to grow the first church while they followed Him through the Spirit.  What will happen to our churches today if we become filled with the Spirit and follow Him?  We don’t know, but we need to learn to trust God completely and turn the control of the church over to Him.  Otherwise, we need to go fishing on Sunday, we are wasting our time in this social club.

What would happen in our lives if we would pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us and we would follow His leading?  People are afraid they will lose their life!!  They might not get to do what they want to do.  They don't want to be seen as a fanatic.  I believe they have made their choice.  They choose the world.  They choose themselves as their own god.  If you claim to be a Christian, it's time to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and become alive again!

The people of this first church are scattering to surrounding areas.  Yet, God is using this to spread the gospel.  Those who scattered preached the gospel wherever they went.  Do we do that today?  Is this true of the church members in our church?  During the week, do you preach the gospel?  Or do you hope that nobody can figure out that you’re a Christian?

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