Monday, May 13, 2019

Choose Who You Serve

I was reflecting on all the names I’ve been called for being a Christian and actually trying to follow the commands of Jesus.  Like everyone, I’m not perfect and have made many decisions that would cause anyone to doubt whether I am saved or not.  However, so far, I haven’t given up on trying to follow them through constant repenting and turning away from my sins.  And I haven’t, as is the custom of our modern society, changed those commands of Jesus to suit me, so I can do what I want to do. 

Shallow-minded, narrow-minded, judgmental, one of those, hypocrite, sexist, unloving, uncaring, ignorant, close-minded, are some that come to mind, but those are just the nice ones, there’s others that don’t need repeating.  I’ve also been told that I only go on mission trips or give to others to make people think I’m a good person.  It’s all very interesting.  Sometimes it gets to me, especially when it’s family members saying it to you.  It is most unsettling when it is family members that call themselves Christian that are saying it to you.  Always makes me wonder, did the Holy Spirit inside of them lead them to say that?  When did God tell them to tell another brother/sister such a thing?  Hhmm.  Seems to be out of character for God and actually contradictory to His Word if He did.

I was studying Acts chapter 2.  At the end of the chapter is a description of the first church.  In reading different commentaries on that, one said this, “The church will never be like that again because there are too many carnal Christians today.”  As unpleasant as that was to read, I’m afraid it is correct.  I know people who claim to be Christian who live out of wedlock with multiple partners, believe divorce is a right they have, believe abortion is an option, believe homosexuality is justified, they mark their body with tattoos (and the tats aren’t Christian), have social media accounts and never mention God or anything Christian (but they sure take a lot of pictures of themselves).  I think that’s pretty carnal.  In fact, I believe it is idol worship.  They worship themselves and their opinion more than anything God offers.

Moses experienced much of the same.  The Hebrews were very carnal.  Joshua faced the same as well when he was leading the Israelites.  It is recorded in Joshua 24 that he charged them to get off the fence and make a decision.  14Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; cast aside the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt, and serve the LORD.  15But if it is unpleasing in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!”

If you say this to someone who claims to be a Christian today regarding any action they are doing that is described as a sin by God, you get called some of those names listed above.  People don’t want to make a decision to follow God.  They want you to support their decision to worship themselves.  If you contradict them in the slightest of ways by stating God’s Words, not even your own words, you can be sure you WILL be called out as not loving them correctly.  Isn’t it interesting how someone can tell you, for following the Word of God that describes Himself as love, that you are unloving when you present God’s Word to them while they describe themselves as a follower of the same God?  It’s mind blowing confusing.  However, I am reminded that God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor 14:33) and Jesus told us who the father of lies is (John 8:44).

Fortunately for Joshua, the people responded with courage.  16The people replied, “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD to serve other gods!  Unfortunately for the church these days, the people are certainly more wiling to serve other gods.

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