In the book
The Insanity of Obedience by Nik Ripken, he list three types of persecution against Christians that he witnessed in his many travels to visit oppressed and persecuted Christians around the world. These types of persecution are not just in the history books, but are alive and well today. There is too much evidence in America that persecution of Christians, apart from other religions, is growing very fast.
Here is a good article dated July 5, 2017, named
Christian Persecution is Coming to America, provided by The article can be found at:
Yesterday, we celebrated the 241st "birthday" of
our nation's Declaration of Independence. But for the past few weeks,
I've actually been contemplating matters relating to our
I'm aware that the U.S. Constitution wouldn't become the law of the land for
another decade, two months and 13 days after we declared our independence from
British rule. And I can respect the amount of painstaking time, energy
and thought our Forefathers put into creating our "more perfect
Union" and the "supreme law" that would rule it. Yet, with
all that is going on in our nation and the world, I've been considering lately
how desperately fragile this document, and the rights granted therein, actually
Truth is, I'm of the mind that Christian persecution will
become a widespread norm in the United States - probably in my lifetime.
I don’t mean persecution of the "Starbucks-removed-the-Christmas-tree-from-their-
red- cups” variety (which, by the way, isn’t persecution at all given that
Christmas is a man-made holiday rooted in pagan practices AND one that Jesus
never told us to celebrate in the first place. But that’s
another post). I’m talking about the type of persecution
the early Church endured.
I’m speaking of actual laws being passed that limit or
prohibit the speech and religious expression of those who share God’s Word and
support the teachings of Jesus Christ. I’m speaking of Christians being fined,
arrested, jailed, losing jobs, and even our very lives for the sake of the
Yes. Right here. In America.
I know it sounds far-fetched given that the Constitution
(currently) protects our freedom of speech and religion. But I’m telling
you guys – it’s coming. Not only does the Lord make it clear that widespread
Christian persecution will take place in the last days before His return (Mark
13:9-13), but current events are shaping up to prove that such is on the rise
at a dizzying rate.

When most of us think of Christian persecution, we often
think of isolated cases in the Middle East and countries in Africa and Asia.
Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. And
Canada has been proof that persecution is not only possible in North America,
but it is most certainly growing ever more hostile here. Ontario recently
89, which, under its Human Rights Code, “protects” a child’s professed homosexual
orientation or transgender expression and, thus, allows the government to
remove children from the homes of parents who
gender ideology (aka: the LGBT agenda).
Bill C-16 makes it
illegal to use the “wrong” pronouns when referring to a transgender individual.
In other words, if a man wishes to live as a woman and be called “she” but you
say “he”, you can be fined or jailed. Moreover, an Ontario Christian
school has been
from teaching parts of the Bible that may be offensive to certain
individuals, namely those whose sexual and/or gender expression contradict the
Bible. Note that this is just a sampling of Canada's developments in the past
TWO WEEKS [article originally written on July 5, 2017]! They've certainly has
much more going on in the past two years. The devil has been
ridiculously busy!
“Oh! But that’s Canada,” you say, eh?
Well, consider that in the U.S., there is a growing movement
to suggest that Christians are unfit for public office.
groups recently made that declaration and Bernie Sanders went so far
as to suggest that a Christian’s belief in the Gospel
us hateful and incapable of fairly serving all people -
including those who don’t share our faith - specifically, Muslims.
According to Sanders, the Gospel is “indefensible, it is hateful, it is
Islamophobic, and it is an insult to over a billion Muslims throughout the
world.” And just the other day, Tim Gill was quoted by the Rolling Stone as
saying it is his plan to use state and local governments to "
punish the wicked", referring to Christians who are
opposed to the LGBT agenda. Gill, a
major donor to LGBT
causes, was instrumental in helping advance the argument for marriage equality
Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court case that made same-sex
marriage legal in the U.S.
Not only are Christians and the Gospel being increasingly
criticized and threatened, the full counsel of God (aka the Bible) was recently
said to have "
no place in modern American society". According to
Keith Burton, Director of the Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations at Oakwood
University, the Word of God is an “obstacle to American freedom”.
Burton's sentiments were the craziest and most foolish thing I’d ever
read so, of course,
I had to respond.
It seems other Christians are also responding to these sly
attacks, and most are doing so through our civil government. The state of
Kentucky, for instance, was pretty bold in passing the “
Bible Literacy Bill” (
H.B. 128), which went
into effect last week. The Bill supports an elective Bible literacy course
which will teach American history through a Biblical context. Kentucky
Governor, Matt Bevin, argues that Biblical principles and themes shaped much of
America’s laws and culture, thus he doesn’t understand why more states wouldn’t
have such a course in place. Of course, the
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is all over this
legislation. And, if I am honest, there was a time I might have squinted at
what the state is doing. But knowing what I now know and after seeing what I’ve
seen, I can’t say that I blame Kentucky. In fact, I fully support them!
I can recall when our nation first became extremely adamant
about religious neutrality. In my ignorance, I supported the concept, thinking
that by keeping everything neutral we’d maintain peace and avoid offense. BUT
what I was too naive to understand was that the push for "neutrality"
was truthfully a strategy to NEUTER Christians. While they were removing our
Bibles and scripture verses from our desks, e-mail signatures and cubicles,
EVERYONE ELSE was pushing their false religion, lies and deceptions into the
mainstream under the guise of "equality" "inclusion" and
"freedoms of speech and religion". Rather than keep or include
Christianity in the mix in the name of "diversity" and “inclusion”,
we were systematically muzzled. When I began to see how atheists, Muslims and
the LGBT community were celebrated and encouraged to bring their ideologies to
the forefront for diversity's sake, BUT the Biblical Christian voice was
chastised, I finally put the pieces together: America wants us to shut
up by any means necessary!
I perceive that, in truth, this generation doesn't REALLY
care about free speech or freedom of religion for all. It doesn't
really even care about "diversity". At its core, it cares about
shutting down the truth of Jesus Christ and all who believe it and share it.
Anything a Christian does in the name of our faith in the public (AND private)
square is offensive and must be snuffed out.
Yet, the ACLU is crying foul now that Kentucky schools will
be hosting an ELECTIVE Biblical literacy course? It doesn't make any
It’s getting crazy out here. But it may be easy to miss or
dismiss these incremental attacks, changes and charges if we aren’t paying
attention and using discernment. And while I agree with exercising our existing
Constitutional rights to challenge attacks on our First Amendment rights, I
would caution all to keep in mind that the weapons of our warfare are NOT
carnal but mighty through God (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). We must remember that we
do not war against flesh and blood, but that we are in a spiritual battle and
must thusly equip ourselves in the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20).
Christian persecution IS coming to
the United States. Again, I understand that we have the Constitution. But, at
some point, we WILL lose our Constitutional rights.
(Yes. I just said that). If you have carefully read this piece or have been
otherwise alerted, you would easily see the trajectory we are on. We are in a
nation that often boasts it was founded on Christian principles, yet the
Constitution once condoned slavery, and in less than a generation’s time, the
Supreme Court has found a way to use the Constitution to legalize abortion AND
same-sex marriage. Our citizenry is growing increasingly tolerant by the day of
even the most vile of sins, and hostile toward the things of God - though
80%+ profess to be 'Christians'. We are brazenly breaking and
re-interpreting God’s laws and definitions as if the Bible isn’t God’s holy
word. The Holy Bible has existed for thousands of years; the Constitution
hasn't even existed a quarter of a century. If America is bold enough to
reinterpret God's laws, what's a man-made Constitution? We cannot
continue to assume the Constitution truly protects us. They will find a
creative way around the First Amendment. They will find a way to reinterpret
our freedoms of religion and speech.
Therefore, we must turn to our God and one
another in these last days. Paul and Silas weren’t freed from unjust
imprisonment because they took their jailers to court. They were freed because
they had Jesus Christ and His Body on their side (Acts 16:16-40). The early
Church prayed. They fasted. They visited one another. They fed one another.
They provided refuge for one another. They clothed one another. They loved one
another as Christ commanded, and they trusted in the Lord with their whole
hearts. Please keep that in mind.
Please (continue to) watch and pray. Please know that we are
to obey God rather than man when man’s laws might cause us to break God’s
commands. Please know that God is with us in all these things and will be in
the things to come. Please keep your eyes on things above and meditate on all
that is good and noble in Christ Jesus. And, finally, PLEASE pray for boldness!
We are all going to need it.