Monday, November 14, 2016

Do you love Me?

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love Me more than these? – John 21:15

Jesus asks this question after they had dined around a campfire on fish and bread.  This was just after Jesus had told them where to throw their nets to catch fish and they had caught 153 fish in their net and their net didn’t break!

As I read this question from Jesus, I find that I am unsure what is meant by the words “these”. 

Family.  Some interpretations indicate that “these” refers to the other disciples that were there with Peter and who were his spiritual family.  One Bible version actually poses the question as “do you love me more than they do”.  This would imply that Jesus wanted Peter to recognize his place among them.  He should not be ashamed of where he had been or done or said, but lead these other men with his abundant faith.  If Peter loves Jesus more than the family around him, then he is to feed them and shepherd them.

Fish.  Another interpretation considers that “these” refers to the fish.  Peter as a fisherman would have great elation and joy from being a part of such a significant catch of fish.  This was a real fish story.  I am sure that none of them had ever been a part of such a great catch.  They had been blessed in their work by following Jesus’ instructions and casting where He directed.  Yet, Jesus might have been looking Peter in the eyes and saying “do you love Me more than these fish”.  Is following Me the pursuit of your heart more than this success?  The answer to this question had already been demonstrated.  Peter jumped out of the boat and swam to the shore to be with Jesus rather than hold onto the great catch.  The others all held onto the catch and brought it into shore.  Jesus is asking Peter to verify that he loves Jesus more than the temporary emotions of earthly success. 

Friends/Foes.  A last interpretation might be that “these” refers to all the people in the world.  Jesus is asking if Peter loves Him more than all the people in the world.  After Peter says he does, the Jesus instructs for him to feed them spiritually and shepherd them.  “Make disciples” Jesus had told them.  Jesus knew that some people would become friends but many would become foes and oppose him.  Jesus seems to be saying “do you love Me more than the adoration or the hate of men?”  “Do other people have more influence upon you than I do?” 

I believe Jesus meant all of these when He asked Peter this question and we need to carefully examine each category in our own lives. 
  1. Do we love Jesus more than our family?  Are we willing to feed and shepherd them spiritually? 
  2. Do we love Jesus more than our vocation?  Are we willing to leave it all behind and follow wherever He leads at any time?  Are we willing to be better defined as a Christ follower than as a (insert name of your earthly success)? 
  3. Do we love Jesus more than any person on earth?  Are we willing to stand and try to feed the spiritually even if they love us too much or hate us too much?
We must decide how we will answer this question that Jesus asks Peter.

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