Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Greatest Gift

Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. – Psalms 90:2

The Lord was God before anything that we know or have ever been aware existed.  And He will be after all that we know or are aware remains.  God is the creator of time, along with everything else.  He is God and there is no other.  In Him alone exist the power to create all that is and to destroy all that is, yet He creates, breathes life, and loves. 

Whether we choose to believe or not to believe, to do evil or to simply refuse to follow, He creates, breathes life, and loves because He is the one true living God.  He is and always shall be.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? – Romans 8:31-32

What is the greatest gift that God, who created all things and knows all things, could give to you?  If you could ask for anything at all, as Solomon was allowed to do, what would be the one thing that you would ask?  Money, peace, long life … successful children and their children, power … what would it be? 

The greatest gift that God, the Creator of all things who exists from “everlasting to everlasting”, could give to you would be Himself.  Since He created everything, He more than any of us, knows that all that other stuff is irrelevant and temporary by comparison.  The only thing of any eternal value is He Himself.  So why would He bother with anything else?  And this is exactly what God gave to us, Himself, in the physical presence of Jesus and in the spiritual presence of His Spirit.

The real question is why would we want anything else?  If we could ask for anything, why would we not ask for God Himself?  The reality of life is that there isn’t anything else.  I should ask that God would so mold my mind, my thoughts, my emotions, and my heart so that it can accept and hold as much of Him as can be held. 

God is so for us that He gave us the greatest gift we could possibly receive.  He did it without asking us because He knew we’d mess it up.  He knew we wouldn’t have the wisdom to ask for Him.  If He is willing and able to provide the greatest gift for us even when we don’t know we need to ask for it, then how much more is He willing to provide for us!  And what is there that exists as opposition to us that can possibly equal the power of the only living God!

God is for you and me today and His power to deliver Himself into our life is ever present.  Surrender all of yourself today and accept the greatest gift that exists, then follow Him wherever He leads.

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