Thursday, May 28, 2015


You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.  – Romans 2:1

I have experienced firsthand the use of this verse against me.  It seems that if you seek to ask another person to be responsible for their character as it relates to their testimony of who they claim to be you will receive their condemnation as a judgmental person.  Yet, you haven’t judged at all.  I find that their response judges them thereby making them the judge of themselves.  It’s just that they don’t want to accept their own actions for what they are and you, as someone who loves them and wants the best for them, being willing to ask them for growth and personal analysis are a judge.

The homosexual community and the many supporters of the “do whatever you want to do” Christian community are quick to use this verse in defense of any person who disagrees with their platform.  I personally am having a very difficult time getting my thoughts to see their point-of-view so I can understand their position.

I am not against people or persons.  I am commanded to love as my Father in heaven loves.  I am against sin as defined by God especially within myself.  I diligently seek God’s forgiveness at all times.  Unfortunately I can’t know at all times all my sins but others looking “outside in” can see things I don’t and it is imperative for them to show these to me so I can be forgiven and work to be who God made me to be.  They are not judging me, but loving me.  I may not want to hear it and it hurts to hear it, but only someone who really cares would tell someone something that hurts them. 

That said, how is it that when you have the position that a homosexual getting married is not in God’s will unless you are a man and women, you are judgmental and unaccepting?  I didn’t write the Word of God.  I am simply trying to let a Christian who is practicing homosexuality (this is key, this commentary doesn’t apply to non-Christians), they are living in a way that God specifically does not condone and therefore, they should not seek to ask God to bless a joining or marriage.  To make a covenant before God to enter into a homosexual marriage is to say to God, “I don’t care what Your Word says, I’m going to do what I want to do for an extended period in my life.  I’m asking Your blessing here before everyone who follow You so they know we can do what we want to do.”

This is rebellion against God while posing as godly.  It is exactly what Jesus came against with the Pharisees and He had plenty to say against that type of hypocrisy.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent thoughts. I would add that any time we ask God to bless aborent behavior, we are asking God to function outside of His character - something He cannot do. We are deceiving ourselves.
The other point I would make is that I think the worst form of judgement is when we believe that someone is unworthy of the Gospel because of the sin(s) they've committed or the lifestyle they lead. What if I'm the only messenger sent by God to someone and I look at their tats, piercings, and partner and decide not to share my testimony? I've disobeyed Christ, but may have damned someone to hell in doing so. I don't get that right, only Jesus does.